jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Homework Answers Unit 3 (1r Batx A)

Workbook pg 23 act 10

1. Will be having
2. Will have finished
3. Will be studying
4. Will have run
5. Will be visiting
6. Will be starting / will have started
7. Will be raining
8. Will be doing / will have done

Workbook pg 26 act 1

1. Illegal
2. Irresistible
3. Impossible
4. Intolerant
5. Unusual
6. Dishonest

Workbook pg 26 act 2

1. Unlikely
2. Impartial
3. Unreliable
4. Independent
5. Unappropriate
6. Impolite

Workbook pg 26 act 3

1. Bringing
2. Doing
3. Taking part
4. Getting
5. Playing
6. Changing

Workbook pg 26 act 5

1. Working out at a gym can be sociable.
2. Playing Wii Sports can help children to get fit.
3. Running after a big meal isn't a good idea.
4. Eating too much sugar isn't healthy.
5. Smoking will damage your health.

Student's book pg 34 act 2

1. Inflexible
2. Illegal
3. Impossible
4. Irresponsible
5. Unusual
6. Dishonest
7. Intolerant
8. Unlimited

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Revision Unit 3 (1st Batx A)

Do the following activities in pairs. If you need a dictionary, click here. I recommend that you open a new explorer tab so you can use the on-line dictionary whenever you need it.

Present continuous and going to: activity 1.
Future simple and continuous: activity 1.
Future Perfect: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3.
Future Continous or future Perfect: activity 1.
Tense revision: activity 1.
'The' or no article: activity 1.
Listening practice: activity 1.
Reading practice: activity 1.

jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

Grammar Worksheet Unit 2 (1r Batx A)

Past continuous and past simple:
1. The storm started while they were driving home.
2. I saw the accident while I was waiting for the bus.
3. Angela went to several concerts while she was staying in London.
4. I met many people while I was taking a summer course in Italy.
5. My sister received a letter while we were doing the washing up.

1. He was mowing the lawn when the dog started to bark.
2. My father was cooking the dinner when he burned his finger.
3. The soldiers were preparing to leave when the bomb exploded.
4. She was reading the newspaper when her train left.
5. We were having a loud party when the neighbours complained.

1. did you do
2. you were reading
3. rang
4. were you doing
5. was drinking
6. finished
7. went
8. did you put
9. was raining

Present perfect and past simple

1. a) Jane has had a baby
    b) When did she have the baby?
2. b) Look. Mary has broken my camera.
    a) How did she brak it?
3. b) Look. My bicycle has disappeared.
    a) Where did you leave it?
4. b) He has lost his bag
    a) when did he lose it?
5. b) It has just arrived.
    a) What mark did you get?

1. I lied in Argentina for seven months.
2. I have lived in Argentina for seven months.
3. Haven't you read the newspaper yet?
4. I read the newspaper a while ago.
5. Have you ever seen a giraffe.
6. I haven't eaten chips since I was sick.
7. Ann has broken her arm.
8. Ann broke her arm last week.

Used to
1. used to eat... eats
2. used to drink... drinks
3. eats... used to eat

1. Did Robert use to eat...
2. Did Mary use to eat...
3. Did Pam use to drink...

Revision Unit 2: 1st Batxillerat

Do the following activities in pairs. If you need a dictionary, click here. I recommend that you open a new explorer tab so you can use the on-line dictionary whenever you need it.

Past simple and past continuous: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3, activity 4, activity 5,
Present perfect and past simple: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3, activity 4.
Used to and would: activity 1, activity 2,
Past simple and past perfect: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3, activity 4,
Listening practise: activity 1.
Reading practise: activity 1.

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Revisin Unit 1 (1r ESO)

Do the following activities in pairs. If you need a dictionary, click here. I recommend that you open a new explorer tab so you can use the on-line dictionary whenever you need it.

The family: activity 1, activity 2.
Possessives: activity 1, activity 2activity 3, activity 4, activity 5.
Parts of the body: activity 1.
Dialogue: activity 1.
Game: game 1.

Revision Introduction (1r ESO)

Do the following activities in pairs. If you need a dictionary, click here. I recommend that you open a new explorer tab so you can use the on-line dictionary whenever you need it.

Demostrative pronouns: activity 1, activity 2.
The numbers: activity 1, activity 2.
Telling the time: activity 1, activity 2 (homework).
Reading memory game: game 1 (click on "lesson 3b")

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Revision Unit 1 (1st Batxillerat)

Do the following activities in pairs. If you need a dictionary, click here. I recommend that you open a new explorer tab so you can use the on-line dictionary whenever you need it.

Present simple and continuous: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3, activity 4, activity 5.
Adverbs of frequency: activity 1, activity 2.
Connectors: activity 1.

Homework Answers

Activity 5

1. Since
2. For
3. For
4. Since
5. Since
6. For

Activity 6

1. Mary and Simon have been married since 1990.
2. I haven’t visited my grandmother for nearly ten days.
3. I’ve had this bike for five years.
4. I haven’t travelled anywhere since last summer.
5. I haven’t seen Sarah since August.
6. John has worked here for ages.

Activity 7

1. I’ve had a terrible headache since I got up this morning.
2. I had a terrible headache all day yesterday.
3. I lived in London for a few years since I was a student.
4. I have lived in London since I was born.
5. I haven’t played football since my injury.
6. I didn’t play football again after I got injured.

Activity 9

1. Already
2. Just
3. Yet
4. Yet
5. Just
6. Already (or just)

Activity 10

1. Yet
2. Already
3. Already (Better option: Haven’t you already done your homework?)
4. Just
5. Already (or just)
6. Just

lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

Sometimes what you are looking for is so close that it is hard to find!

Look at these pictures. Try to memorize some particular physical traits.


Listen to the song and complete this sentence.
Raise ____  ____ and ____  ____  ____  ____. Sometimes ____  ____  and ____  ____  ____  are those ____  ____  ____.

Answer these questions in pairs.
When does this story take place?
Where are the protagonists?
Which are the most popular animals during the San Joan festivities?
What does the man do when they are having lunch on the sailboat? why?
What does the girl do when they are at the concert? why?
Why do you think that the slogan of the spot is "sometimes what you are looking for is so close that it is hard to find"?

Look at the video and say what they are doing when the teacher presses the pause button.
Creative writing: What happens with them after the festivities of San Joan?

martes, 1 de junio de 2010

A Shooting Star


One day I was in the mountains near Sóller with my friends Peter and John. It was ten o’clock and we were hiking. Suddenly, we saw a shooting star. We closed our eyes for several seconds. When we opened them, we were in a desert island.

The island was very small. There were many palm trees and a cave. Suddenly, we heard a thunder and it started to rain. We ran toward the cave. When we were near the cave, we heard voices so we decided to hide behind a palm tree. After several minutes, three boys came out of the cave. The boys were our replicas. Their names were the same as our names. They were wearing the same clothes we were wearing. They were also speaking Catalan and Spanish. When they saw us, they took us inside the cave and locked us in a jail.

Suddenly, I heard a noise. It was my alarm clock and I was at home. I was lying in my bed. It was all a nightmare.


1. Invent a similar story about a mysterious experience.

2. The title of your story has to be "A Shooting Star".

3. The first and the last paragraph must be the same. However, you have to adapt it to your story.

4. You have to invent the second paragraph. If you need a dictionary, click here.

5. When you finish, send it to the teacher's e-mail!

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010

Travel post-cards (2n ESO)

------- James Van Cordero --------

Hi Peter,
Last Saturday we went to Liberty city with my friends.First we took a bus to the airport.We caught a plane to Liberty city.Then we took a touristic bus.We saw the statue of Liberty and we took a lots of photos. After that we went to the amusment park.We ate in an Italian restaurant.Finally, we went back home by plane. The best thing was the amusment park, it was very exciting.

See you soon,


------- Michelle Raycheva --------
Hi Rosa,
Last Saturday I went to the mountain.I went with some friends. We went with a car. First we went to a lake.We took a lot of photos.Then we went to Deia.There we drank coffee and we visited monuments.After that,we went to another lake biggest than the first.We went to Soller and we took more photos.Finally,we got home at about nine o'clock. The best thing were the photos of the lakes.And the worst thing was that it was raining when we went to Soller and when we got home.

See You Soon,


jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

Stuart the bodybuilder by Jessica and Patricia

This is Stuart. He is 24 years old. He lives with her mum. He's a bodybuilder. He practises bodybuilding every day. One day he decided to go to a competition. He lost the competition: when he was lifting the weight, he farted. What can he do?

martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Fernando Coco Cuadrado By Spas Georgiev Todorov

This cat is a number one boxer. His name is Fernando Coco Cuadrado. He has twenty medals. Hdoes special hard workouts at the gym. He takes protein that's why he is so strong. His teacher is Miquel Tecla Cuadrado. His teacher is one of the best boxers, that's why Coco Cudrado is also one of the best boxers.Will Coco Cuadrado lose any match?

Jesso and Pirulo By Gary and Vlamir


This is my dog. Its name is Jesso. One day it was walking in the forest and it saw an ungly monkey. The monkey said that its name was Pirulo. Pirulo asked “brother have you got money?” Jesso said "no, I haven't got cash”. Then Pirulo kidnaped Jesso and since then I haven't seen Jesso anymore.

The dog of my neighbour by Álex Herrera

This is the dog of my best friend. His name is Vlamir. The dog was in the street and my friend took the dog. My friend organized a party to welcome the dog. When all friends arrived at his house, a girl was on the edge of a panic atack and she hid.

My Neighbour by Norma Yaguana

Hi, my name is Kiara. I can't believe that my new neighnor is Nigga! I am his Nº 1 fan. I have all his albums. He is my favorite singer because all songs are very romantic. When he left the house, I looked and I said: "hello". I almost died of happiness. Whenever I look I said hello because I'm very shy. I dare to say something more than hello. One month ago it was incredible: we went for a walk around the city. We talked all afternoon. He is very cute. However, I am very sad because tomorrow he has to go on tour and I will not see him again. I hope that he returns soon.

Shakira by Natali Torrico

Shakira was born on February 2nd, 1977. She is a Colombian singer of Spanish and Lebanese origin. For ten years she wrote her first songs. She participated in a talent competition as a child in which she won three consecutive years. Shakira dances the belly dance. She is tall and she is thin. She has got long blonde and brown hair. I think shakira sings very good. She is a beautiful person. She wears modern and elegant clothes.

domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010

The special couple by David

This is a couple. In the couple there is a dog and there is a cat. The dog's name is Zac and the cat's name is Selene. Last weekend the couple fought because Zac was going out with his friends. The next morning Zac appeared in the beach of Ca'n Pastilla. Zac lost the keys of his car and the car appeared in the sea. The car was burned. After that,  Zac went home with his girlfriend.

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Flying Ass By Matías Roveda

One day the class of 3rd A went to Morocco for a school trip. The first day Spas, Marc and Alex went to the center of the city with an ass and they won a special present in a lotery. After that, they uploaded the prizes in the ass. Spas decided to go with the prizes because there wasn't enough room fo allAt the moment Spas sat, the ass lifted and remained in the air.

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Tooru By Yu

Tooru is a manga painter. She supports CLAMP. CLAMP is a group of four painter girls. Today there is a manga contest and she'll win this contest.

Three years ago she was only a manga lover. All happend in a sunny day of June. She went to a new manga shop to buy some manga and she found a girl who was maybe 28 years old. This girl was painting some people of Tsubasa manga of CLAMP. Tooru said she could paint this picture and she painted this picture better than her. Finally, Tooru became a member of CLAMP.

Today Tooru has to win this contest and the members of CLAM are expecting so. Tooru wants to paint a girl and a boy and represt their love. Finally she wins and she wants to be the best painter of manga in Japan.

Scared By Greicy


Hello my name´s Oscar. I´m not fearful at all. But one day, my friends scared me.They came to my house.They brought a knife and animal blood.

My neighbour in the cement by Yura and Juan Antonio


This is Matías. His hobby is going cycling. One day Matias left with the bike. He went to Festival Park to buy a disc brake for his bike. But in the Festival Park there was construccion work. One ton of cement fell on top of Matias. The firefighters came.

The superstar cat by Ilías Amtil and Marc Tegla



This is the cat of my best friend Carlos. His name is Michael Jackson.When Michael listens to music he takes his guitar and begins to play it. He never plays the guitar when he listens to Lady Gaga. One day when he was listening to Michael Jackson he began to do the moon-walk. Carlos took him to the tv program  si que vales and he won the award. Nowadays he is the most popular cat in my city. He does benefical acts with famous people.

Rugby By Walter Rojas

Hello my name is Dani Carter.Yesterday, I played rugby with my team.The name for my team is Old Blacks.We played against Perpinyan (France). One player of Perpinyan wanted to tackle me. At this noment, he grabbed my shorts and I was very shy. I don't play rugby anymore.

Michael Jackson By Dante


This was my uncle. His name was Michael Joseph Jackson. He was a super star. He was the king of pop. He was rich. He lived in his park of neverland in Holmby Hills-Los Angeles,California. He was the 7th of 9 brothers. He was born 29 august of 1958 in Gary,Indiana.

Bora Bora by Tamara García and Matías Giménez


Justin and Selena went to Bora Bora on honeymoon. First, they took a walk together. Then they went to swim. After that, they went to have dinner at a restaurant. Later they went to have a massage and one mud bath. Finally, they went to sleep and they decided to stay in Bora Bora forever.

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

Kahoko Hino By Wenhe Zhang


I’m going to present a girl of a cartoon called La corda d’oro. Her name is Kahoko Hino. She is a high school student in SEISO school. Her birthday is on the 28th of february, so her sign star is Pisces. She’s very generous and kind. She is cheerful with her friends. Sometimes she is quiet and shy. In the cartoon, she is a violin player. She doesn't play very well, but she practices very hard. Her music is free and unrestrained. I like this cartoon very much because it’s a cartoon about classical music.

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

Creative writing: Mystery

Look at the picture on page 53 of the student's book. In pairs you have to write the following:
  • Write a brief summary explaining the crime. Try to answer these questions: Who was the criminal?  Where and when did he commit a crime? What did he steal? How  did he enter the house? What did he steal? What did he do with the stolen object?

  • There is a letter between the lamp and the armchair. Imagine who wrote the letter and why: was it the criminal or was it someone else? Did the criminal leave the letter when he entered or was it already there?
Write your compositions on the "comentarios" section of this post!

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Creative writing

Read these two texts and do the activity below.

Joanna is from Sineu and she is eighteen years old. Yesterday morning she was very happy because she passed her driving exam. At night, she took her parents’ car and she went to Festival Park with some friends. They watched a movie and they had dinner at a restaurant. After that, she went back home. This morning she woke up and got ready to go to university. When she went out, she couldn’t find her car and she called the police. After a few minutes a neighbor found her car on the roof of his house! What happened last night? She doesn’t remember.

Peter is a teacher at IES Antoni Maura. Last Wednesday he had a really bad day. First the alarm clock didn’t ring and he was late for work. At the high school, the students took an exam. During the break, Peter went to the cafeteria to have a sandwich. Then when the alarm rang, he left the exams at the cafeteria and some students stole them. After the last lesson, Peter wanted to go to the teachers’ room, but he fell downstairs and hurt his head. Finally, the ambulance came and took him to the hospital.

Creative writing
1. Look for a picture on the internet.
2. Invent a story
3. Tips:
• The picture should be a person, an animal or an object.
• Invent a character (Peter, Joanna…)
• Don’t talk about you!

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Billie Jean- Michael Jackson

Billie Jean- Michael Jackson

She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene
I said don't mind, but what do you mean I am the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round
She said I am the one, who will dance on the floor in the round

She told me her name was Billie Jean, as she caused a scene
Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round

People always told me be careful of what you do
And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts
And mother always told me be careful of who you love
And be careful of what you do 'cause the lie becomes the truth

Billie Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

For forty days and for forty nights
The law was on her side
But who can stand when she's in demand
Her schemes and plans
'Cause we danced on the floor in the round
So take my strong advice, just remember to always think twice (Do think twice)

She told my baby we'd danced till three, then she looked at me
Then showed a photo my baby cried his eyes were like mine (oh, no!)
'Cause we danced on the floor in the round, baby

People always told me be careful of what you do
And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts
She came and stood right by me
Then the smell of sweet perfume
This happened much too soon
She called me to her room

Billie Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son

Where did you sleep last night- Nirvana

Where did you sleep last night- Nirvana

My girl, my girl, don't lie to me,
Tell me where did you sleep last night?

In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun will never shine
I would shiver the whole night through

My girl, my girl, where will you go?
I'm going where the cold wind blows

In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun will never shine
I would shiver the whole night through
Her husband, was a hard working man
Just about a mile from here
His head was found in a driving wheel
But his body never was found

My girl, my girl, don't lie to me,
Tell me where did you sleep last night?
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun will never shine
I would shiver the whole night through

My girl, my girl, where will you go?
I'm going where the cold wind blows

In the pines, in the pines
Where the will never shine
I would shiver the whole night through

All Summer Long - Kid Rock

All Summer Long - Kid Rock

It was 1989, my thoughts were short my hair was long
Caught somewhere between a boy and man
She was seventeen and she was far from in-between
It was summertime in Northern Michigan

Splashing through the sand bar
Talking by the campfire
It's the simple things in life, like when and where
We didn't have no internet
But man I never will forget
The way the moonlight shined upon her hair

And we were trying different things
We were smoking funny things
Making love out by the lake to our favorite song
Sipping whiskey out the bottle, not thinking 'bout tomorrow
Singing Sweet home Alabama all summer long
Singing Sweet home Alabama all summer long

Catching Walleye from the dock
Watching the waves roll off the rocks
She'll forever hold a spot inside my soul
We'd blister in the sun
We couldn't wait for night to come
To hit that sand and play some rock and roll
While we were trying different things
And we were smoking funny things
Making love out by the lake to our favorite song
Sipping whiskey out the bottle, not thinking 'bout tomorrow
Singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long
Singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long

Now nothing seems as strange as when the leaves began to change
Or how we thought those days would never end
Sometimes I'll hear that song and I'll start to sing along
And think man I'd love to see that girl again

[Repeat Chorus x2]

domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

Revision Unit 5: "What are you like?"

Do the following activities in pairs. If you need a dictionary, click here. I recommend that you open a new explorer tab so you can use the on-line dictionary whenever you need it.

-Comparative adjectives: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3.
-Quiz on comparative adjectives: quiz 1.
-Superlative adjectives: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3.
-Game on the comparative adjectives: game 1.
-Game on the superlative adjectives: game 1.
-Game on adjectives and it's oppossites: Game 1, game 2.

miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

Revision Unit 4: House and Home

Do the following activities. Once you finish the first activity, go back to the blog and click on the next. If you need a dictionary, click here. I recommend that you open a new internet explorer tab so you can use the on-line dictionary whenever you need it.

-Vocabulary of the unit: activity 1.
-Countable and uncountable nouns: activity 1 and activity 2.
-Much, many and a lot of: activity 1 and activity 2.
-Some and any: activity 1 and activity 2.
-Writing: type your composition about your bedroom in the 'comentarios' section. Write your name and your class. You will get a positive.
-Reading: My bedroom. Click on activity 1 to work with the text and improve your writings.
-Game: click here and try to guess the meaning of these text messages.

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010

Revision Unit 3: Television

Do the following activities in pairs. If you need a dictionary, click here. I recommend that you open a new explorer tab so you can use the on-line dictionary whenever you need it.

-Vocabulary of the unit: activity 1.
-Comparative adjectives: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3.
-Quiz on comparative adjectives: quiz 1.
-Mandatory activity: go to this link and do step 1 and step 2. Write the answers in the "comentarios" section to get an extra point. Don't forget to write your names.
-Superlative adjectives: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3.
-Reading: My best friend. Click here to work on the text and improve your writings.
-Game on the comparative adjectives: game 1.
-Game on the superlative adjectives: game 1.
-Game on adjectives and it's oppossites: Game 1, game 2.