martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Creative writing

Read these two texts and do the activity below.

Joanna is from Sineu and she is eighteen years old. Yesterday morning she was very happy because she passed her driving exam. At night, she took her parents’ car and she went to Festival Park with some friends. They watched a movie and they had dinner at a restaurant. After that, she went back home. This morning she woke up and got ready to go to university. When she went out, she couldn’t find her car and she called the police. After a few minutes a neighbor found her car on the roof of his house! What happened last night? She doesn’t remember.

Peter is a teacher at IES Antoni Maura. Last Wednesday he had a really bad day. First the alarm clock didn’t ring and he was late for work. At the high school, the students took an exam. During the break, Peter went to the cafeteria to have a sandwich. Then when the alarm rang, he left the exams at the cafeteria and some students stole them. After the last lesson, Peter wanted to go to the teachers’ room, but he fell downstairs and hurt his head. Finally, the ambulance came and took him to the hospital.

Creative writing
1. Look for a picture on the internet.
2. Invent a story
3. Tips:
• The picture should be a person, an animal or an object.
• Invent a character (Peter, Joanna…)
• Don’t talk about you!

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