miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010

Revision Unit 3: Television

Do the following activities in pairs. If you need a dictionary, click here. I recommend that you open a new explorer tab so you can use the on-line dictionary whenever you need it.

-Vocabulary of the unit: activity 1.
-Comparative adjectives: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3.
-Quiz on comparative adjectives: quiz 1.
-Mandatory activity: go to this link and do step 1 and step 2. Write the answers in the "comentarios" section to get an extra point. Don't forget to write your names.
-Superlative adjectives: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3.
-Reading: My best friend. Click here to work on the text and improve your writings.
-Game on the comparative adjectives: game 1.
-Game on the superlative adjectives: game 1.
-Game on adjectives and it's oppossites: Game 1, game 2.

16 comentarios:

  1. The differents pictures are: the dog, the police, the car, the man,, the

  2. Dave is older tha Jonathan

  3. a. Who is older than Jonathan?
    Dave is older than Jonathan.
    b. Who is taller than Dave?
    Jennifer is taller than Dave.
    c. Who is less small than Jennifer?
    Dave is smaller than Jennifer.
    d. Who is heavier than Dave?
    Jenniferis heavier than Dave.
    e. Who is younger than Jennifer?
    Margaret is younger than Jennifer.
    f. Who is less old than Margaret?
    Jonathan is less older than Margaret.

  4. Dave is older than Jonathan

  5. The comentary up is by James and Kushal

  6. Jennifer is taller than Dave

  7. Gustavo and Luis

    This page servers to learn English

  8. Gustavo and Luis

    Gustavo is more intelingent than Luis

  9. Fernando y Miguel

    a) Dave and Jennifer are older than Jonathan .
    b) Jennifer is taller than Dave.
    c) Margaret and Jonathan are less small than Jennifer.
    d) Jennifer is heavier than Dave.
    e) Margaret, Dave and Jonatha are younger than Jennifer.
    f) Jonathan is less old than Margaret.

  10. 1. Compare the characters.
    Paul is taller than Frank.
    2. Compare the 2 chairs.
    the chair is bigger than sofa
    3. Compare the fruit.
    the banana is longer than apple

  11. the comentary up is by kushal and james

  12. ani dijo:
    a)All are oldes than Jonathan.
    b)Jennifer is taller than Dave.
    c)Margaret is less smoller than Jennifer.
    d)Jennifer is heavier than Dave.
    e)Dave is younger than Jennifer.
    f)Jonathan is lessolder than Margaret.

  13. Dave is less small than Jennifer
    Jonathan is heavier than Dave
    Dave is youngest than Jennifer
    Jonathan is less old than Margaret

  14. alexandra y mariia1 de febrero de 2010, 0:50

    Alexandra & Mariia

    1.Margaret is older than Jonathan
    2.Jennifer is taller than Dave
    3.Margaret is less small than Jeniffer
    4.Jennifer is heavier than dave
    5.Dave is younger than Jennifer
    6.Jonathan is less old than margaret

  15. aleksander i miquel

    a.Dave is older than jonathan
    b.Jennifer is taller than dave
    c.Dave is smaller tahn jennifer


    2. Compare them by answering the following questions.

    a. Who is older than Jonathan?

    Dave is older than jonathan

    b. Who is taller than Dave?
    Jennifer is taller than Dave

    c. Who is less small than Jennifer?

    margaret is the less small than jenifer

    d. Who is heavier than Dave?

    Jennifer is heavier than dave

    e. Who is younger than Jennifer?
    Margaret is younger than jennifer

    f. Who is less old than Margaret?
    jonathan is the lees old than margaret
