martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

Revision Introduction, Unit 1 and Unit 2 (only Paco, Oscar and Christian)

Try to do these activities alone. If you have any doubt, ask the teacher.
Use this dictionary if there are new words.


The verb to be in the present simple: activity 1 and activity 2.
The verb have got: activity 1 and activity 2.
The verb can: activity 1.
The articles a and an: activity 1.

Unit 1
Vocabulary: activity 1.
The present simple: activity 1 and activity 2.
Third person singular -s: Game
Working with the text: activity 1.

Unit 2
Vocabulary: activity 1.
The past simple: activity 1, activity 2 and activity 3.
The verb to be in the past simple: activity 1 and activity 2.

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