sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2009

Revision for the first term exam 3rd ESO

In this entry, there are several on-line activities to review some aspects that we have seen in class. You don't need to do all the activities. Just do the ones you need to review. Feel free to leave any comments you want in the "commentar" section.
If you need an online dictionary, click here.


The verb to be in the present simple: activity1, activity2 and activity3.
The verb have got in the present simple: activity1 and activity2.
The modal auxiliary can: activity 1 and activity 2.
The present continuous: activity1, activity2 and activity3.

Unit 1

The present simple: activity1, activity2, activity3 and activity4.
Adverbs of frequency: activity1 and activity2.
The present simple or the present continuous: activity1, activity2 and activity3.

Unit 2

The past simple: activity1, activity2, activity3, activity4 and activity5.
To be in the past simple: activity1 and activity2.
The present simple and the past simple: activity1 and activity 2.
Connectors: activity1

Reading: My worst day at school. Click here to work with the text and improve your writings.
Games: To practice the regular and irregular verbs click here.

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