jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Homework Answers

Activity 5

1. Since
2. For
3. For
4. Since
5. Since
6. For

Activity 6

1. Mary and Simon have been married since 1990.
2. I haven’t visited my grandmother for nearly ten days.
3. I’ve had this bike for five years.
4. I haven’t travelled anywhere since last summer.
5. I haven’t seen Sarah since August.
6. John has worked here for ages.

Activity 7

1. I’ve had a terrible headache since I got up this morning.
2. I had a terrible headache all day yesterday.
3. I lived in London for a few years since I was a student.
4. I have lived in London since I was born.
5. I haven’t played football since my injury.
6. I didn’t play football again after I got injured.

Activity 9

1. Already
2. Just
3. Yet
4. Yet
5. Just
6. Already (or just)

Activity 10

1. Yet
2. Already
3. Already (Better option: Haven’t you already done your homework?)
4. Just
5. Already (or just)
6. Just

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