lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

Sometimes what you are looking for is so close that it is hard to find!

Look at these pictures. Try to memorize some particular physical traits.


Listen to the song and complete this sentence.
Raise ____  ____ and ____  ____  ____  ____. Sometimes ____  ____  and ____  ____  ____  are those ____  ____  ____.

Answer these questions in pairs.
When does this story take place?
Where are the protagonists?
Which are the most popular animals during the San Joan festivities?
What does the man do when they are having lunch on the sailboat? why?
What does the girl do when they are at the concert? why?
Why do you think that the slogan of the spot is "sometimes what you are looking for is so close that it is hard to find"?

Look at the video and say what they are doing when the teacher presses the pause button.
Creative writing: What happens with them after the festivities of San Joan?

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