jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Homework Answers Unit 3 (1r Batx A)

Workbook pg 23 act 10

1. Will be having
2. Will have finished
3. Will be studying
4. Will have run
5. Will be visiting
6. Will be starting / will have started
7. Will be raining
8. Will be doing / will have done

Workbook pg 26 act 1

1. Illegal
2. Irresistible
3. Impossible
4. Intolerant
5. Unusual
6. Dishonest

Workbook pg 26 act 2

1. Unlikely
2. Impartial
3. Unreliable
4. Independent
5. Unappropriate
6. Impolite

Workbook pg 26 act 3

1. Bringing
2. Doing
3. Taking part
4. Getting
5. Playing
6. Changing

Workbook pg 26 act 5

1. Working out at a gym can be sociable.
2. Playing Wii Sports can help children to get fit.
3. Running after a big meal isn't a good idea.
4. Eating too much sugar isn't healthy.
5. Smoking will damage your health.

Student's book pg 34 act 2

1. Inflexible
2. Illegal
3. Impossible
4. Irresponsible
5. Unusual
6. Dishonest
7. Intolerant
8. Unlimited

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Revision Unit 3 (1st Batx A)

Do the following activities in pairs. If you need a dictionary, click here. I recommend that you open a new explorer tab so you can use the on-line dictionary whenever you need it.

Present continuous and going to: activity 1.
Future simple and continuous: activity 1.
Future Perfect: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3.
Future Continous or future Perfect: activity 1.
Tense revision: activity 1.
'The' or no article: activity 1.
Listening practice: activity 1.
Reading practice: activity 1.

jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

Grammar Worksheet Unit 2 (1r Batx A)

Past continuous and past simple:
1. The storm started while they were driving home.
2. I saw the accident while I was waiting for the bus.
3. Angela went to several concerts while she was staying in London.
4. I met many people while I was taking a summer course in Italy.
5. My sister received a letter while we were doing the washing up.

1. He was mowing the lawn when the dog started to bark.
2. My father was cooking the dinner when he burned his finger.
3. The soldiers were preparing to leave when the bomb exploded.
4. She was reading the newspaper when her train left.
5. We were having a loud party when the neighbours complained.

1. did you do
2. you were reading
3. rang
4. were you doing
5. was drinking
6. finished
7. went
8. did you put
9. was raining

Present perfect and past simple

1. a) Jane has had a baby
    b) When did she have the baby?
2. b) Look. Mary has broken my camera.
    a) How did she brak it?
3. b) Look. My bicycle has disappeared.
    a) Where did you leave it?
4. b) He has lost his bag
    a) when did he lose it?
5. b) It has just arrived.
    a) What mark did you get?

1. I lied in Argentina for seven months.
2. I have lived in Argentina for seven months.
3. Haven't you read the newspaper yet?
4. I read the newspaper a while ago.
5. Have you ever seen a giraffe.
6. I haven't eaten chips since I was sick.
7. Ann has broken her arm.
8. Ann broke her arm last week.

Used to
1. used to eat... eats
2. used to drink... drinks
3. eats... used to eat

1. Did Robert use to eat...
2. Did Mary use to eat...
3. Did Pam use to drink...

Revision Unit 2: 1st Batxillerat

Do the following activities in pairs. If you need a dictionary, click here. I recommend that you open a new explorer tab so you can use the on-line dictionary whenever you need it.

Past simple and past continuous: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3, activity 4, activity 5,
Present perfect and past simple: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3, activity 4.
Used to and would: activity 1, activity 2,
Past simple and past perfect: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3, activity 4,
Listening practise: activity 1.
Reading practise: activity 1.